As you enter into this program, it is important that we are clear from the start about what will be expected. These policies, procedures and practices are designed to help you to get the most out of the program.
ETHICS You can count on The Institute for Physician Wellness, its consultants, and staff to uphold the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
PRIVACY Participants agree to treat others as they wish to be treated, with unwavering respect, grace and commitment to each other’s privacy.
COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS The program concepts, materials and information used in our teaching are the property of The Institute for Physician Wellness. You are asked to agree that you will not use or reuse our materials for any financial gain or otherwise distribute to any third parties without the express written permission of The Institute for Physician Wellness. Copyrighted material included from guest speakers and other outside parties included in the program content are included in the scope of this limitation.
ABOUT PROGRAM PORTAL Group coaching sessions and bonus sessions occur at an agreed upon time and day. Program participation assumes permission for recording of guest speakers and special sessions. The recordings will be uploaded into the program portal within 24 hours. The portal is available to you 24/7 for 6 months. To protect the privacy of participants, group coaching sessions are not recorded.
PHOTO RELEASE By enrolling in the program, you are granting IPW permission to use your image in publications, videos, mass media, educational events, research, service, or public relations activities for IPW. In addition, you are agreeing to release and waive IPW and its employees and consultants from any liability for use of media and waive any remuneration. To protect the privacy of the individuals and group, no video recordings of the classes, coaching sessions or bonus lectures will be shared with the general public.
REFUND POLICY Due to the nature of the program and exclusive proprietary content, this purchase is nonrefundable. No exceptions or transfers can be made. The Institute for Physician Wellness, LLC reserves the right to cancel or postpone any sessions due to unforeseen circumstances. In the unlikely event of a cancellation or postponement, every effort will be made to notify participants quickly and recommend other arrangements.
COACHING SERVICES The service to be provided to you is medical education and coaching. Coaching, which is not therapy, medical care, advice or counseling, may address specific personal projects, career development, business start-up and development, personal goals and/or general conditions in your life or profession.
The leadership, business, and personal coaching, and the medical education provided by Kathy Stepien and consultants through IPW is intended to help you grow your capacity to create the future you envision, develop leadership skills, and make more effective and fulfilling moves in your life and your work.
The coaching process may include but is not limited to conversation, movement, bodywork, assigned readings, and ongoing practice and fieldwork in your day-to-day life. Through this Agreement, you will receive the private, personal coaching services of Kathy Stepien or other physician coaches. Kathy Stepien and other coaches will act as full partners in the coaching and take responsibility for providing value by listening deeply, asking provocative questions, challenging untested assumptions, revealing blind spots, offering alternative perspectives, sharing relevant resources, co-designing actions and practices, and supporting change. They will help you remain accountable to your most important goals, support you in changing long-held habits that are no longer serving you, and design practices to help you develop new skills that will improve your results. Should something in your situation lie outside the scope of what they can provide, Kathy Stepien and other physician coaches will promptly make an appropriate referral or other recommendation.
You are expected to act as a full partner in coaching and take responsibility for getting value out of the relationship by being accountable for your own learning and asking directly for the kind of support you want and need.
You are expected to take 100% responsibility for the results you achieve by engaging fully in the learning process and taking action on what you learn.
No one can guarantee specific results from coaching. Any outcomes of the coaching rely entirely upon your own efforts. No guarantee of results has been made, either expressly or implied. You are expected to take full responsibility for the results you either do or do not receive from the coaching.
Throughout our working relationship we will continue to engage in very direct and personal conversations. I can count on Kathy Stepien and other physician coaches to be honest and straightforward, asking questions and making requests. The purpose of our interactions is to forward your own professional and/or life action and to deepen your learning.
Only you can grant power to the coaching relationship. You agree to do just that. If you feel that the coaching is not working as desired, you agree to raise any questions or concerns promptly and take action to return once again the power to the coaching relationship.
Coaching is a confidential professional relationship. Kathy Stepien and other physician coaches will hold all session information completely confidential within the limits of the law. We will be discussing specific personal information. Kathy Stepien and other physician coaches will treat this information with the utmost respect and confidentiality.
The coaching profession does not have a legally binding coach-client confidentiality clause in the way that other professions do, and that Kathy Stepien and IPW voluntarily choose to protect all their clients in this way.
While Kathy Stepien and other physician coaches have all manner of relevant training in multiple different modalities including being qualified medical physicians, you acknowledge that they are not psychologists and are not acting as medical physicians in this relationship.
You further acknowledge and agree that they do not and will not provide any of the following services: a) medical advice, b) treatment or diagnosis of any physical or mental illness, c) therapy, psychological counseling, psychoanalysis, or behavioral therapy, d) procurement of employment, business, or sales for the client, e) accounting services, tax advising, or investment counseling, or any other advice that falls under the purview of other professions. Any opinions requested or offered in these realms are simply the opinions of an educated layperson and nothing more.
APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING AND CANCELLATION POLICY You understand that you are responsible for scheduling individual coaching sessions within 6 months of enrollment. Cancellations with less than 24 hour’s notice may forfeit the appointment. With more than 24 hour’s notice, appointments can be rescheduled via the online calendar.
Clicking this attached link indicates full understanding and agreement with the information outlined above.